This is Ka-ching; we process the data for you the controller.
The GDPR is an EU regulation that focuses on strengthening and unifying the data protection laws for everyone who lives in the EU. In Ka-ching, data protection has a very high priority and thus we welcome the regulation.
Before we continue, here are a few definitions you need to know when reading ahead and to understand GDPR.
This is Ka-ching; we process the data for you the controller.
This is you, the Ka-ching user, who controls the data for the data subject
The customer who visits your store whose data is gathered about.
When selling products in your physical store you, as a controller using Ka-ching, collect information on your customers. This information is processed by Ka-ching to your system. Ka-ching saves this information together with the receipt, to be able to control for fraud.
All your data, including analytics data, will be completely deleted on your request.
If you are in the European Union, you want to sign a DPA with Ka-ching. The DPA will reflect our agreement that will govern the processing of personal data.
In other words, it’s an agreement that we, Ka-ching, can process personal data on your behalf, and what that ensues.
For a broader description of Ka-chings data policies, you can read out privacy policies.