January 27, 2021
Stock status in other stores
In Ka-ching POS, we have clarified which stores have the chosen product in stock. Stock status is clearly displayed for each store with both name and address. When it becomes easier to see stock status, it also becomes easier to find the item and order it for the customer.
Updates of our UI
Among other things, the choice of store associate is updated in the style of the rest of the design. Our design in Ka-ching POS is something we have made an extra effort to make as user-friendly as possible.
Easier search
With the latest version of Ka-ching, the new filters for product search provide a quick overview and a quick path to the desired product. The filters are defined according to the attributes already attached to the product in the system.
Other new features
October 8, 2020
Configurable front page with 3 types of sections
You can add as many sections as you want, and all content in the sections can be easily maintained - either via Backoffice or via API integration.
Other new features
July 17, 2020
Machine Learning
Through the use of Apple's on-device Machine Learning, the Ka-ching system can expand knowledge on how customers shop. By analysing the customers' baskets, our Machine Learning implementation can make connections and provide recommendations fitting the specific basket. With this kind of AI, store associates will be able to recognise purchasing patterns and adjust their service, recommendations and discounts for the individual customer on the bases of these insights.
New design
Our new design made our interface even more easy-to-use and consistent. With our design improvement, we've optimised the navigation from top to bottom and made it easier to use customer look-up and use the menu. By implementing standard iOS components, we've made sure that the design is recognisable and user friendly.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
The Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of the store associates are now available directly from the store associate menu. From there, they'll be able to follow their daily performance. The average basket size, the average sales amounts and the total of sales on the day will be shown.
Know your customers with our new customer profile
Besides the new display of KPI's of the store associates version 14 presents a new customer profile, from with the store associate can access information regarding the specific customer. Like that the store associate can get a quick overview of the customer's previous purchases at the store as well as other information which could be helpful in the service of the customer.
Other highlighted features
May 6, 2020
Empowering the store associates
Enrich your store associates with an extensive palette of information. Not only does our new release introduce a modern and functional design for Ka-ching TAS, but it is also possible to display PDF’s, YouTube and Vimeo videos.
Know your customers
Furthermore, the new version of Ka-ching TAS brings the possibility of adding a function that reminds the store associate to add a customer to the sale. The announcement will appear when the basket goes from being empty to containing items. This function is managed from the back office.
Introducing new functions for Ka-ching POS
We have passed!
Ka-ching POS now provides certified compliance with fiscal regulations in Sweden. See the full list.
From the Back Office, it is now possible to:
January 21, 2020
General optimisation in connection with iOS 13
Reserve and collect
With version 12, customers can assemble their basket online and then reserve it for pick-up and payment in one of your physical stores.
New design in TAS
Our TAS-mode has got a new design when showing the product details and gallery.
Return of products
The return function is expanded, and it is now possible more comfortable and quicker to handle customers, who want to return several products in one transaction.
Deposits on items
It is now possible to sell products subjected to an arrangement for a deposit on packaging, such as bottles. You can configure these deposits in the back office or via API.
New design on product search
The search function is slightly improved in both POS and the Stock app and has a new design, which makes it more user-friendly. For example, the stock number of online products will be visible in a search.
More information on delivery notes
The delivery notes have been updated so that they now contain more information about the customer, for instance, name, address, phone number, CVR and reference.
New discount rule
A new type of campaign discounts rules is available. Using these, it is no longer possible to add a price higher than the original price of a product.
IZettle configuration
New menu option for configuration of the iZettle terminal and account.
Version 12 of our Back Office introduces:
The new version of our Advanced Back Office allows you to:
The new version has three new import endpoints:
Furthermore, the customer id is now showing in CSV export of all sales lines of a given period.
October 22, 2019
With version 11, a new mode in Ka-ching is available. The Tablet Assisted Selling (TAS) mode is accessible in the whole store, both by the sales associates and the customers. When enabling TAS mode, barcode scanning through built-in camera is possible, and a barcode sign will become visible in the product view, the basket, and when searching for a product.
When scanning the barcode, all the details of the specific product will pop up. Thus your store associates are capable of supplying the customer with product details in no time.
Product Attributes
You can now add attributes to your products from the Back Office. The attributes become visible along with the product details of a specific product in POS, and they can be listed in a manageable table. An attribute could be colour, size or fabric.
Manageable pictures
It is now possible to configure how the product pictures are scaled. Now, the product images can be scaled automatically in order to optimise your product view.
Scanning in Stock
If one or more of your products have the same barcode, it is now more comfortable for you to handle all of these products, when scanning them in our Stock app.
Advanced Back Office
The back office has a section for 'advanced configuration'. It will typically be used by integrators to configure and monitor integrations for external systems. We have moved two new parts from Modules to an independent side in the Advanced section. Currently, the advanced configuration covers:
Product Attributes
We have six new import endpoints:
NEW: Integration with Episerver
We are now integrated with Episerver. This Episerver add-on aims at making it easy to use the excellent capabilities and information in Episerver Commerce as a sales tool in retail stores by integrating with Ka-ching.
When the add-on is installed, it listens for commerce data change events, and if configured with import URLs, it will send the updated data to Ka-ching.
The integration is Open Source and can be downloaded from Github.
NEW: Integration with Ucommerce
Our integration with Episerver is not the only we proudly can announce in this version. We can alså interduce an integration with Ucommerce.
The Ka-ching app for Ucommerce adds automatic synchronisation of Products and Categories from Ucommerce to Products, Tags and Folder hierarchies in Ka-ching. The app can be configured to provide mappings of Ucommerce Price Groups to Ka-ching Markets as well as Ucommerce Culture Codes to Ka-ching Language codes. For even more customisation, you can freely edit the source code to provide custom logic.
The integration is Open Source and can be downloaded from Github.
September 2, 2019
Support for new VAT rules on gift cards
With version 10, Ka-ching supports the current legislation on the collection of VAT on gift cards. Read our blog post on this.
Advanced Back Office
The back office has a section for 'advanced configuration'. It will typically be used by integrators to configure and monitor integrations for external systems. Currently, the advanced configuration covers:
SMTP configuration
Manual return
So far, you have either been able to seek a previous sale to make a return - or you have been able to scan a sales receipt to start a return. In Release 10, it is possible to base a product on the product catalogue.
New UI for customer search
In the new UI, you can, among other things, see the customer's purchase history and through the purchase history, you can add the goods from a previous sale to the current basket.
Comments on product lines
It is now possible to add comments to each item line in the basket. This can be used to indicate special circumstances of the sale.
Support for Verifone terminals
With release 10, we support two more terminals, P400 and e285 from Verifone.
Vi har ændret i retur flowet, så de returnerede varer bliver lagt i sin egen del af den eksisterende kurv. Det betyder, at det nu er muligt at gennemføre salg og retur i samme check-out.
I menuen “Salg” findes der nu et menupunkt “Tilbud”, hvor du kan se og søge efter alle oprettede tilbud. Ethvert tilbud i listen kan tilføjes til den eksisterende kurv, hvor det vil få sin egen aflåste del, så det er sikret, at kunden får og betaler for det, der er aftalt.
Det er blevet endnu nemmere at gøre kassen op, når salgsperioden er ovre. Nu skal du blot angive antallet af hver mønt eller seddel til stede i kassen, og så regner Ka-ching summen ud. Protip: prøv at trække fingeren sidelæns på skærmen ved den ønskede mønt eller seddel for at justere antallet uden at skulle taste det ind.
Vi har indført mulighed for at kunne åbne kassen uden at skulle angive kassebeholdning. Der findes 2 indstillinger: tvungen eller valgfri angivelse af kassebeholdning. Tvungen angivelse er standard, men skulle du få lyst til at prøve valgfri, kan det nemt ændres i vores Back Office.
Som ny feature kan man nu vælge at bruge PIN-kode til ekspedient valg. På den måde kan man sikre, at det altid er den korrekte ekspedient, der bliver registreret med de salg, der bliver gennemført. Hvis du ønsker at bruge PIN-kode til ekspedient valg, kan det angives for den specifikke butik i Back Office.
Et produkt med varianter viser nu pris-intervallet fra billigste til dyreste variant, og ved et produkt med variabel pris vil der nu stå “Variabel”, så det er tydeligt for ekspedienten.
POS vil fremover huske alle lokale indstillinger, som fx. sprog eller printer, hvis der bliver logget ind i samme butik som før.
Knappen til glemt kodeord er altid synlig på “Log ind” skærm under “Log ind” knappen.
Nu er det blot et tryk på en knap i stedet for tidligere, hvor man skulle eksportere teksten ud af app’en og sende det manuelt.
Annullering af betaling betyder ikke længere, at det er nødvendigt at annullere salget og starte forfra.
I sektionen “Totaler” kan man nu se den samlede sum af dagens salg og retur handlinger.
Designet i vores velkomst e-mail har fået et gevaldigt løft, så du kan roligt invitere endnu flere af dine kolleger til at bruge Ka-ching.
Dette release udvider funktionaliteten på vores Shopify integration. Nu er det også muligt at synkronisere lagertal, slå kunder op i Ka-ching og eksportere e-commerce salg gennemført i Ka-ching. Kontakt os, hvis du har lyst til at undersøge mulighederne for din butik.
Hver kortbetaling vil have en angivelse af hvilken korttype, der blev anvendt.
Vi tilbyder nu mulighed for at afsende dine egne e-mail kvitteringer og tilbud via en SMTP integration. Her er der også mulighed for at anvende en SOCKS proxy hos os, hvis der er behov for at anvende IP whitelisting.
Hver linie for alle salg i den valgte periode bliver til en linie i CSV filen.
Indeholder solgte produkter for dags dato, dagen forinden, de sidste 7 dage og de sidste 90 dage, samt den nuværende lagerbeholdning.
Flere regler kan kombineres, så man evt. kan give 5% rabat ved køb af 10-20 af en vare, 10% fra 20-30, og 15% hvis man køber mere end 30.
Emailadresser maskeres nu i afsendelses historik.
For at gemme så lidt personligt data som muligt, maskerer vi nu emailadresser efter kvitteringsmail er afsendt.